Composer Php Docker

  1. Docker Composer Php Mysql
  2. Composer Php Dockery
  3. Docker Composer Php Version
  4. Docker Composer Php
  5. Docker Php Composer Install

These image extends webdevops/php with a nginx daemon which is running on port 80 and 443

In this article, we will learn how to set up the Laravel development environment with Docker. We are going to use the Docker Compose to set up the development environment. Let’s start the steps without delay. This may also help: Laravel, Nginx and MySQL configuration with Docker Compose Video Tutorial Step 1 – Download Laravel Containerize your Laravel Application with Docker Compose. RUN rm -rf vendor && composer install FROM richarvey/nginx-php-fpm WORKDIR /var/www/html COPY -from=composer /app. This solution works and does not bloat the final image, but it is not ideal, because the vendor directory on the host is copied into the Docker context during the build process, which adds time. The answer is neither. Docker Compose (herein referred to as compose) will use the Dockerfile if you add the build command to your project's docker-compose.yml. Your Docker workflow should be to build a suitable Dockerfile for each image you wish to create, then use compose to assemble the images using the build command. These image extends webdevops/php with a nginx daemon which is running on port 80 and 443. Uses Supervisord. This image is using supervisor and runs the daemon under user application (UID 1000; GID 1000) as default. Composer is a dependency manager written in and for PHP.

Uses Supervisord

This image is using supervisor and runs the daemon under user application (UID 1000; GID 1000) as default. If the container isstarted under a different user the daemon will be run under the specified uid.

Docker image tags¶

TagDistribution namePHP Version
5.6customized official php imagePHP 5.6
7.0customized official php imagePHP 7.0
7.1customized official php imagePHP 7.1
7.2customized official php imagePHP 7.2
7.3customized official php imagePHP 7.3
7.4customized official php imagePHP 7.4
7.1-alpinecustomized official php imagePHP 7.1
7.2-alpinecustomized official php imagePHP 7.2
7.3-alpinecustomized official php imagePHP 7.3
7.4-alpinecustomized official php imagePHP 7.4
alpinedeprecatedPHP 7.x
alpine-php7deprecatedPHP 7.x
alpine-php5deprecatedPHP 5.6
alpine-3deprecatedPHP 5.6
alpine-3-php7deprecatedPHP 7.x
ubuntu-12.04deprecatedPHP 5.3
ubuntu-14.04deprecatedPHP 5.5
ubuntu-15.04deprecatedPHP 5.6
ubuntu-15.10deprecatedPHP 5.6
ubuntu-16.04deprecatedPHP 7.0
debian-7deprecatedPHP 5.4
debian-8deprecatedPHP 5.6
debian-8-php7deprecatedPHP 7.x (via sury)
debian-9deprecatedPHP 7.0
centos-7PHP 5.4
centos-7-php56PHP 5.6
centos-7-php7PHP 7.0

Environment variables¶

Base environment variables¶

Docker compose nginx phpDocker composer php extensions
Environment variableDescriptionDefault
LOG_STDOUTDestination of daemon outputempty (stdout)
LOG_STDERRDestination of daemon errorsempty (stdout)
SERVICE_CRON_OPTScron daemon argumentsempty (when syslog is used)
SERVICE_DNSMASQ_OPTSdnsmasq daemon argumentsempty (when syslog is used)
SERVICE_DNSMASQ_USERdnsmasq effective userroot
SERVICE_POSTFIX_OPTSpostfix daemon argumentsempty (when syslog is used)
SERVICE_SSH_OPTSssh daemon argumentsempty (when syslog is used)
SERVICE_SUPERVISOR_OPTSsupervisor daemon argumentsempty (when syslog is used)
SERVICE_SUPERVISOR_USERsupervisor effective userroot
SERVICE_SYSLOG_OPTSsyslog daemon argumentsempty (when syslog is used)

Base environment variables¶

Environment variableDescriptionDefault
POSTFIX_MYNETWORKSPostfix mynetworks addressempty
POSTFIX_RELAYHOSTPostfix upstream relay serverempty
Composer Php Docker

Web environment variables¶

Docker Composer Php Mysql

Environment variableDescriptionDefault
WEB_DOCUMENT_ROOTDocument root for webserver/app
WEB_DOCUMENT_INDEXIndex documentindex.php
WEB_ALIAS_DOMAINDomain aliases*.vm
WEB_PHP_SOCKETPHP-FPM socket address127.0.0.1:9000 (for php-* images)
SERVICE_PHPFPM_OPTSPHP-FPM command argumentsempty (when php fpm is used)
SERVICE_APACHE_OPTSApache command argumentsempty (when apache is used)
SERVICE_NGINX_OPTSNginx command argumentsempty (when nginx is used)
SERVICE_NGINX_CLIENT_MAX_BODY_SIZENginx client_max_body_size50m (when nginx is used)

PHP modules¶

As we build our images containing almost every PHP module and having it activated by default, you might want to deactivate some.

You can specify a comma-separated list of unwanted modules as dynamic env variable PHP_DISMOD, e.g. PHP_DISMOD=ioncube,redis.

Composer Php Dockery

PHP.ini variables¶

You can specify eg. php.memory_limit=256M as dynamic env variable which will set memory_limit=256M as php setting.

Environment variableDescriptionDefault
php.{setting-key}Sets the {setting-key} as php setting

PHP FPM variables¶

Docker Composer Php Version

You can specify eg. as dyanmic env variable which will sets pm.max_requests=1000 as fpm pool setting.The prefix fpm.pool is for pool settings and for global master process settings.

Environment variableDescriptionDefault{setting-key}Sets the {setting-key} as fpm globalsetting for the master process
fpm.pool.{setting-key}Sets the {setting-key} as fpm poolsetting


Due to the incompatibilities between composer v1 and v2 we introduce a simple mechanism to switch between composer versions.

Environment variableDescriptionDefault
COMPOSER_VERSIONSpecify the composer version to use2
Composer Php DockerDocker

Be aware that this switch is only executed during container start (entrypoint).If you want to build your software with a specific composer version, you can do this:

Or composer respectively.


PHP customization¶

For customization a placeholder /opt/docker/etc/php/php.ini is available which will be loaded as lastconfiguration file. All settings can be overwritten in this ini file.

Either use COPY inside your Dockerfile to overwrite this file or useRUNechomemory_limit=128M>>/opt/docker/etc/php/php.ini to set specific php.ini values.

Nginx customization¶

Docker Composer Php

This image has two directories for configuration files which will be automatic loaded.

For global configuration options the directory /opt/docker/etc/nginx/conf.d can be used.For vhost configuration options the directory /opt/docker/etc/nginx/vhost.common.conf can be used.

Any *.conf files inside these direcories will be included either global or the vhost section.

Docker image layout¶

Nginx layout¶


Main global configuration directory

(automatically included files)

/opt/docker/etc/nginx/conf.d/10-php.confPHP cgi configuration

SSL configuration directory for

certifications and keys

/opt/docker/etc/nginx/ssl/server.crtExample SSL certification (*.vm)
/opt/docker/etc/nginx/ssl/server.csrExample SSL certification request (*.vm)
/opt/docker/etc/nginx/ssl/server.keyExample SSL key (*.vm)

Vhost configuration directory

(automatically included files)

/opt/docker/etc/nginx/vhost.common.d/10-location-root.confRedirect requests to DOCUMENT_INDEX
/opt/docker/etc/nginx/vhost.common.d/10-php.confPHP cgi configuration for vhost
/opt/docker/etc/nginx/global.confGlobal nginx configuration
/opt/docker/etc/nginx/main.confMain Nginx configuration
/opt/docker/etc/nginx/php.confDeprecated PHP configuration
/opt/docker/etc/nginx/vhost.common.confDeprecated vhost common include
/opt/docker/etc/nginx/vhost.confVhost configuration
/opt/docker/etc/nginx/vhost.ssl.confVhost SSL configuration
/opt/docker/etc/supervisor.d/nginx.confSupervisord configuration file for Nginx

PHP layout¶

Docker Php Composer Install

/opt/docker/etc/php/php.webdevops.iniPHP settings from WebDevOps image
/opt/docker/etc/php/php.iniphp.ini for custom settings
/opt/docker/etc/php/fpm/php-fpm.confPHP-FPM main configuration file
/opt/docker/etc/php/fpm/pool.d/application.confApplication PHP-FPM pool configuration file
/opt/docker/etc/supervisor.d/php-fpm.confSupervisord configuration file for PHP-FPM